2016 Roan Mountain Painting Trip

During the second week of June I made my annual trip up to Roan Mountain along with several of my artist friends.  First timers with us this year were Rich Nelson, Gary Cooley, Bryan Koontz, and Dean Remington.  I also met Linda Apriletti from Florida while painting.  Here are the paintings completed over the 4 day trip.  I can't explain the experience of painting the grassy balds, so I hope some of these photos will give you of little of what I experienced.

Scott Boyle Roan Mountain Painting Trip Jun 7, 2016. I made this little clip from my phone of the 40+mph winds across Round Bald at Carver's Gap. Craig Richards expresses concern for a tree down on the road. For the first 2 paintings I ended up painting at Carver's Gap beside the shelter of my car as it was way too windy to go up to paint the balds.
Scott Boyle