Scott Boyle 4 Day Plein Air to Studio Workshop
McAdenville, North Carolina
October 17 – 20, 2018
Studio location - R. Y. McAden Memorial Hall
141 Main St. McAdenville, NC
I have few opening as of 9/27/18
Please call or text if you would to attend
Workshop Description
This 4 day workshop will begin outdoors on location (weather permitting), creating small plein air studies, along with drawings and photography. Students will then use these references to create a larger painting in the studio with an emphasis on atmosphere, feeling, and translating paint to life. Scott will give plein air and studio demonstrations and provide each student with individualized instruction. Maximum class size will be 10 students.
All levels welcome. Scott will be teaching in oils so this class will be most helpful for students working in oils.
Johns River 11x12 oil plein air study
Plein Air Objectives
Lighten Your Load
Finding a Scene
Simplify and Paint Quickly
Types of Light
Value Structures
Outdoor Limitations
Photos and Videos
“Johns River” 20x24 oil studio painting
Studio Objectives
Planning and Design
Painting surfaces
Painting Mediums
Paint Applications and texture
Glazing and Scumbles
Studio Lighting
Cost for the 4-day workshop is $350
for an application click on the link below or call Scott at 704-860-3803
This brief video below gives you a glimpse into my studio